Match Server Manager – Progress Update

Progress update on Match Server Manager because I feel like I’ve been slacking posting any progress reports recently, being so close to a full re-release.
All the menus have been switched over to the new format within SourceMod – This was quite a time consuming task with the plugin heavily based around menus to ease usability. Overall, I feel the plugin is much better now, not having to be bound to just CS:S or CS:GO. Using the SourceMod in-built team functions to make it more game independent. So long as they stick to the usual server console variables like tv_enable, tv_record, restart, quit etc, but all of this can be easily overridden with a simple config file (if it needs to be in the future).

Hopefully the plugin should be ready for a release by the end of next week, once I get the last final changes theory crafted and implemented.

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