Quick message to say the site is now up and running with CloudFlare which should give quicker response times globally.
Next step, is to switch over to a VPS once I get a message back from 1&1. Depending if I can straight up switch, or have to change hosting to possibly DigitalOcean or Vultr.
If you experience any downtime over the next few days, apologies in advance. Will be unavoidable while I change hosting, hopefully with CloudFlare it should be minimized though!.
Update 1
Decided to drop CloudFlare, but switched hosting over to Vultr VPS and can already feel the site responsivness increase drastically (From the switch to VPS from shared hosting).
Might re-integrate CloudFlare further down the line, but right now it felt like the site was running slow with it. Everything is setup correctly and can start working on the php stuff for Radio again, hopefully have the new version out quite soon!
Update 2
Everything is back up and running with CloudFlare and VPS on the backend. Was having some issues with Lets Encrypts – Free SSL Service. Kept getting unreachable host or bad SSL_xxxx errors. Not even sure why it was happening, was random and a pain to pinpoint. In the end, switched back to CloudFlare and installed one of their free certificates and everything has been good so far, with very good response times.
Update 3
Mail should now be working again, Thanks to Mailgun! Added some other small improvements related to site speed with plugins and ended up removing a few of them.
Update 4
The update.dubbeh.net subdomain is working again! Also changed the post title from CloudFlare Powered to Site Update Progress to make more sense. Hopefully all the jobs related to switching servers for new release are done now, and can finally get back to coding the php/mysql side of the plugin. Might be able to get the new release out this weekend, so watch this space.