Radio Download Packages Updated
Updated the latest Radio version 1 and 2 download packages with a small fix to overcome the latest CS:GO change
SourceMod news and plugins
Updated the latest Radio version 1 and 2 download packages with a small fix to overcome the latest CS:GO change
This is a small maintenance release with support for Dutch translations (Huge thanks to Mutse over on the SourceMod Forums)
This is a small error fix release that includes improved cookie handling to avoid any possible conflicts – especially when
Got another small update to Radio that fixes a couple of bugs with the menu handles. The ShoutCast custom mode
Managed to change the interal Radio storage from Dynamic to a mirrored ArrayList which fixes the memory leaking. It’s nothing
Quick update on the memory leak issue and my road map to switch the storage engine. Going to begin writing
Current version of Radio is currently suffering from a memory leak inside Dynamic. This only happens when Genres or ShoutCast
This is a small maintenance release that address one small issue related to ShoutCast playlists having genres forced in the
Got another release of radio finished, this is a small bugfix and slight change to give better user feedback based
Finished the updates to the PHP scrips and database changes. One small addition, stations that have a chance to be