Radio v2.0.0.0 Final – Released

Got some good news that Radio 2 is finally ready for the final release, meaning the beta test stage is over with how stable the plugin feels now. Still have to work out how to some things in PHP but the is fine to use right now. This is mostly related to the track … Read more

Nginx – Final Fixes Done

Nginx should be working fine for http and https now. The error returning was “The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port” which was caused from having the 80 and 443 ports in the same server block, under the Nginx config. Had to assign the standard HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) ports to a seperate … Read more

Nginx Server Switch Completed

Another update for today xD. Finally managed to get the webserver backend up and running on Nginx, from Apache2. The site responsivness has increased drastically and internal server resource usage has decreased around 50%. Wanted to get this finished earlier, but didn’t really have the free time with work recently, especially on Radio, then the … Read more

ShoutCast Playlist Problems – Resolved

Was checking over the auto-generated playlists earlier and noticed they wasn’t getting updated correctly from the cronjob this morning. Then, had a look over the PHP logs and noticed it was complaining about “allow_url_include = 0” which wasn’t allowing: $PlayList = parse_ini_file($this->TuneInURL . $this->TuneInBase . “?id=” . $ID, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); To execute and parse the … Read more

VPS Hosting Switch Complete

Quick update to say VPS swich has been completed. Decided to drop Vultr and switch over to OVH for the increased memory and inclusive DDoS protection at around the same price. Will give me the ability to add more projects and not have to worry about VPS resources as much in the long term. Had … Read more

Radio 2 Documentation Updated

Quick bit of info to say that the documentation for Radio 2 has been updated. Still got a few more things I’d like to add and make it a bit more cleaner, but everyone should now get the gist of how things work internally. Radio 2

Radio BETA 3 – Released

Managed to get BETA 3 ready for release with support for custom stations alongside ShoutCast mode and finalised translations. Updated the basic documentation with the new command “sm_radio_shoutcast_custom” – which when enabled, loads a custom station list and adds it to the main menu alongside ShoutCast mode. This is parsed from “sourcemod/configs/shoutcastcustom.txt” utilizing the standard … Read more

Progress report for beta 3 and backend fixes

Sorry for the longer than intended delay, had a very busy week since leaving the UK and not really had the time for coding with limited time constraints. Good news, that everything should settle down again come this week. I’ve fixed some bugs on the backend code for the player. One major problem was … Read more

Radio BETA 2 – Released

Released a very small patch that stops auto-appending “/;” to stream URL’s. It breaks any streams using IceCast 2 and had to be removed. Will release the custom stream list alongside ShoutCast mode in BETA 3.